
The beginning

"The first step towards getting somewhere is to decide that you are not going to stay where you are." - John Pierpoint Morgan

Photo from flickr user healthandfitnessfirst
Hello, and welcome to the blog!

First, a disclaimer: This is not purely a weight loss blog, nor is it purely a fitness blog or a food blog, and, most importantly, this is certainly not a diet blog. In fact, you'll rarely see the the Big D mentioned here at all. 

This blog is meant to be an exploration into the creation of a more active, happy, healthy-minded lifestyle. Like many of you, I'm sure, I've made false start after false start in pursuit of a smaller number on the scale or the tag of my clothing. I've half-heartedly pressed forward into diets so restrictive that I felt weak going up stairs (hello, South Beach!), pushed with gusto into exercise plans so overambitious that I burned out after a few weeks, and stared at article after article encouraging me to change my habits without doing anything

I am a 20-year-old girl who weighs in at more than 200 pounds, but this isn't just about weight. This is about being able to walk up a flight of stairs without having to catch my breath. Not feeling self-conscious or letting my weight hold me back for fear of being too heavy. Feeling strong and empowered rather than weak and sluggish.

I don't want to be size four, I want to be strong, vibrant, and energized. I want to develop a well-rounded workout plan and a healthy food philosophy to help me accomplish these goals, and I hope you'll stick around to see the progress.

I realize that a lifestyle change will take time and effort, so I'll be implementing these changes slowly. During this time, I'll be posting my recipes, food plans, workout regiment, and general comments about the experience as well as linking to relevant posts from other blogs and websites. I'll also be posting tips on how to get healthy on a budget.

I hope some of you will join me on the road to a healthier lifestyle, and, if not, that my own journey inspires yours in some way.

Healthfully yours,

The Get Fit Chick

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